One of the bullet-points on the Director's Cut is that bosses have more options to suit more play styles. A common complaint of Deus Ex: Human Revolution is that in a game that boasts the various ways players can tackle levels, the bosses have few or no stealth options and rely on combat.The last one is particularly bad, since the player has to defeat literally hundreds of enemies without a moment of respite. A Dance with Rogues is generally a Stealth-Based Game with a heavy use of in-game Skill Scores and Dialogue Trees however, at several points in the plot, the player is forced into combat with no way to avoid it, such as during the finale of the Golden Chalice and Baron of Ravenstower quests, the finale of Part I, and the final leg of the story branch leading up to the Golden Ending.However, several missions and boss fights are combat-focused.
For most of Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, avoiding combat (either via stealthy or social behaviour) is a viable strategy, except towards the end when it becomes very combat-focussed, with numerous extremely strong bosses one after another.