
Surface pro 3 motherboard
Surface pro 3 motherboard

surface pro 3 motherboard

This is the typical repair that is performed when you break or crack your front glass that is also called digitizer. We use genuine new LCDs, not aftermarket or cloned products. This service also comes with a No Dead Pixel Guarantee and a 3-month warranty on parts and service. The Surface Pro 4 screen replacement service we provide includes the cost of a brand new LCD screen + Digitizer (Touch screen) and the labor to install it. We'll repair your laptop to full working condition at a fraction the cost of having to buy a replacement. We are so confident in the quality of our work that we offer a 6 month warranty on all repairs Our overnight service will get you back to work within 24 hours! We know how important your laptop is to you. Two locations for your convenience: Hawthorne and Venice Beach California We guarantee you the lowest price, downtime, and stress. We've perfected our repair process from receiving and repair all the way through final testing in order to ensure the best possible customer experience. This service is free if we perform the repair, however there is a $49 diagnostic fee should you choose to not have your computer repaired by us. We will narrow down the problem to the possible defective parts and give you a projected cost to repair your laptop. will provide you with basic diagnostic based on your problem description as we have experience with 99% of laptop failures.

Surface pro 3 motherboard